Welcome to the website of the International Neijin QiGong Academy

We are pleased about your interest and would like to offer you on our website some more detailed information on the origins, backgrounds, positive effects as well as possibilities of learning and practising Qigong.

Qigong is an easy-to-learn method to harmonize your body, mind and soul and thereby strengthen your own health and vital energy. In China, Qigong represents an important means of health care until today. And the people in the countries of the western world more and more explore the great sanitary and spiritual potentials of these many thousand years old exercises too.

The Qigong movement and meditation exercises according to Buyin Zheng practised at the International Neijin QiGong Academy harmonize all the physical and mental aspects of the human being by an holistic approach. Already after a short time of practising everyone can benefit from their pleasant, vitalizing effects.

If You want to learn more about the backgrounds of the Qigong according to Buyin Zheng or get information on our course, seminar and consultation offers as well as training and further education opportunities we friendly invite you to stay a moment on our website or get in touch with us.

© 2025 Internationale Neijin QiGong Akademie