What does it mean, if the body gets warm and one does perspire while exercising?
Certain exercises, like for example standing in the riding stance or finger exercises lead to a strong increase of the body circulation. The blood vessels expand, the body volume increases and the body temperature rises. The extremities or even the whole body feels warm or hot. The accompanying sweating cleans the body. For those reasons some beginners experience the effect, that especially the feet become very hot. If phenomena like warms or heat occur one should definitely continue to practice. Little by little the whole body will regulate itself, become cosily warm and a pleasant feeling will arrive.
The heat development and the sweating may also result from the fact, that the practitioner is not relaxed, breathes too heavily or has too many emotional thoughts. Overall this leads to restlessness and nervousness. In case warmth and perspiration occur for those reasons, one does not need to worry but should try to find the reason for the restlessness. However if the body becomes excessively hot or one does perspire too much, it is better to take a break exercising, to sit down relaxed or to go for a walk.